Am i correct in thinking that, aswell as Cornwall, Scotland and Wales, Kent remained a Celtic region of Britain after the Romans landed, even though they landed in Kent? (I know that, instead of...
in algiers is there belief the same as our god and would it be appropriate to send a xmas card over the net.? I dont want to offend as i dont think they celebrate like our xmas in uk .thanks for any...
Can anyone tell me if: it was Oswald Mosley who always walked with a limp because he had been thrown out of a bed room window by Orde Wingate when they were at Sandhurst in the thirties or was it the...
Is there a special name for the double breasted shirt you often see in cowboy films? They look similar to the military jacket of the period, only using much thinner and lighter materials. John Wayne...
I recently had a new downstairs loo fitted and the waste water pipe runs outside to the main drain.The pipe is a normal copper pipe and is lagged with that grey polystyrene type tube that fits over...
One of my daughters' saw the statue of Boudicca today on a trip to London and she's just asked me the name of the blades projecting from the wheels of her chariot. Does anyone know if they do have a...
did edward II really suffer such a brutal death or was it a sensationalized story?-who, anyway actually commited the act and who ordered it?- was he concious while this committed?