answers all precede the words in the clue' eg. STAND can precede Alone, Firm & Out 16. 6 letter word before DANCE, MEAL & UP 17. 4 letter word before ALICE, CUB & GANG 20. 5 letter word before RING,... ...
Castles 14. slightly coloured life at 50. (8) 15. Northumbrian wick lights up this castle (6) 20. enclosure for a mythical creature (9) 24. surrounded with marzipan (10) castle parts 44. unfunctional... ...
all answers contain either the word SNOW or ICE 24. Cream cakes are described thus (7,3,4) 45. Cautious after a single bite (4,6,5,3) closing date 31 jan, for Stricklandgate house trust, thanks in... ...
6. snitch on the cow (6) 9. setup for a fall (8) 23. have calm (8) 34. cheat time (8) 46. boast special cereal (7) 48. combine resources (4) for west lancs scouts, closing date 10/1/25, thanks in advance
Find the word that links the 2 given words eg. Tea.....Cake, answer is CUP, teacake cupcake 1. Sun......Stand 11. World.....Breaker 29. Heavy.....Rate 31. Key.....Tone 32. Mother.....Worm 35.... ...
where letters of flour are present, they are given 2. a short douglas feels a bit hollow in his middle! (8) -ou---u- 3. a strange young child, but sweet and a little tipsy (3,4) RU-/---- 22. the... ...
4. watching the pennies for this plant (6) 21. Haircare for No.1 (5,7) No.1. sounds like a tree, answered as Beach 38. place to put the dirty laundry (3,4) 39. No animals here just metal structures... ...
all answers are names of vegetables, and all the questions areold jokes or cryptic teasers 11. a fun g(i)uy who is a bit of a (de)-composer?! (8) 31. Tomato teacher to slow little tomato pupils,... ...
2. chew a religious building noisily (5,6) 11. a backward sheep in other words (5) 12. joined together as one(6) 19. not a long currant loaf (5,9) 21. accdeeehhiinrsstwz (4,6,8) 34. a lucky shifty... ...
30. a wiry terrier maybe ? (10) 34. not just a sculpture (9) 6. push this to sell your shellfish (6) 11. climb over it to get to church (6,5) for motor neurone disease, closing date 30 sept, thanks... ...
23. not north or south this is in? (7,5) 35. not so much the dark side of this planet (4,4,3) 40. a queens anniversary seen from a vantage (7,5) 43. a breed of duck, or is it? (11) 44. what should she... ...
all answers have either CAT or RAT in the answer 7. brotherhood, clique (10) 25. greek restaurant (9) 30. lecture, preach (11) 31. 1 more copy than 29 (10) 29. carbon copy, (9) answered as... ...
answers relate to the English Lake District (only just in these 2 questions) 21. If you played FURNESS as the opening word ina game od scrabble, what is the maximum score you could achieve? 30.... ...
all answers contain the word ART 14. sounds like a goodbye accompaniment (6,5) 18. separated blokes before a junction (9) 22. flew in the canary (6,7) 23. arnold schwarzeneggar worked here (12) 29.... ...
all answers are things you might like to eat and drink during a tea break. 7. Fraternize (6) 10. Cinnamon, brown sugar and butter flavour from the car manufacturer (5,7) 11. Precious metal at a... ...
20. If you played FAIRIES as the opening word in a game of scrabble, what is the maximum score you could achieve? for staveley opera society, closing date 28 june, thanks in advance
10. Little people found in the veggy garden (7,5,5) 13. Lay first claim @ Miss Macpherson (9) 42. Used in No 13 (7) Closing date 15 june for local childrens project, Kendal & district lions club.... ...
All answers contain MIS or HAP 9. Short argument (8) 16. Reduce to the smallest (8) 18. Engine gases (9) 31. Be a perfect example (9) 32. Cheerfully casual (9) 37. A sort of vest (8) 39. Likely to turn... ...