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The other place is the AnswerBack. It is an offshoot of the answerbank. It has 61 members all of whom have used this site, but find more freedom and camaraderie on the AnswerBack. You have to apply to...
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Watch out all you Answerback funtrivia quiz experts I am back tomorrow !!!!!!! Up-date on the other half - She had an operation on her arm today and they are allowing us to fly home tomorrow - muchj...
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Hi all you people from the AnswerBack. Weather in Lanzarote is brilliant. Can not get on to the AnswerBack for some reason. Will not let me sign. Hope everybody is well. I will be back ready to win...
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Kayakamina - Is it Kay also known as Mina, or am I rocking the wrong boat ( or canoe ) !
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Welcome to the AB. As a favour, could you put all your questions in one posting, as lots of single clues tend to fill up the 1st page and push earlier ones off. Thanks, and once again welcome.
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1 Best you don't have ity, if slimming! (5) ?r??? 2 Spineless, you see, and that's a flaw. (4,4) w??? ??o? 3 As well as being something to your benefit. (4) ?l?? Can you help please. I've done too...
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gerardpaul Sun 03/06/07 13:38 Bun Na Eas is the correct answer I used to live close by Gerardpaul
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Has anybody got a confirmed answer for 4d yet, please
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Thanks to those who helped me last week with my last two clues, I managed to win a Franklin's Crossword Solver. ( Handy because my last one packed the week before - over-use probably ! ). Thanks...
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16d State beginning to rally in capital, say. (6) a?s???
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anagram (4,7) hollywood actress remserrywdoar.
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I'll post this one again in case anyone missed the first. It ensures that "80" won't get too big. (4) ?h?n 80 is tots.
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Shorts for children. (4) t???
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grasp alsofrom what's said that one looks after (4,2 ) ?e?s ?o It ensures that "80" won't get too big (4) ?h?n 80 is tots.
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What you shouldn't make from a piece of paper (4) s?i?
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18d Literal dash from Luton to London, maybe (8) ?i?p???t 17d Lounge in cottage (4) l?a?
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Is anybody having problems putting messages on it, or could it be my machine ?
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anagram - crttaeabe.
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Please does any still have the on-line address for the above comp ?
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2d Old humour's not black in scripture. (4) ?i?e

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