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1) First croon a really old love song 2) Here and now! 3) Martin's elected in the glitz 4) Her majesty's beauty is spoken for For 4 I was thinking something to do with the queen's speech but can't fit...
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Anagrams of christmas songs. 1)shine holly strict sam 2)twine a noted smile 3)thumb little merry ode 4)When his brain cold Thanks for any help
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A prehistoric bird resembling the ostrich (7) T?T?N?S Please help
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Who has scored the most Ashes hundreds for England? My last question - can you help me pppplllllllleeeeaaase!
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What was Elvis laughing at in the live version of this record ?
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can anyone help with this Christmas film title, anangram of, TURN HECTIC TIN MOCCASINS
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We have some low energy lights positioned on the top of our kitchen wall cupboards. If I placed mirrors under them would that increase the illuminatoion.
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How do you write 'Zero' in Roman numerals ?
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1. Doctor say to lawyer "we were born on the same day, year, month and minute. We were born in the same hospital and we have the same two parents. We are not twins and we have no brothers. Explain...
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Which is the odd one out and why? Bull, Bear,Greyhound, Hare, Salmon, Stag
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1. This one runs for ever but never moves at all. It has no lungs nor throat but still a mighty roaring call. What is it? 2. Forward I am heavy, backwards I am not. What am I? 3. What has to be broken...
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1. How can you leave a room with two legs and return with six? 2. What is black when you buy it, red when you are using it and grey when you throw it away? 3. There is a clerk in a butchers shop. He...
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If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes ?
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What are the chances that the next person you meet will have more than the average number of legs?
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What length should a persons leg be??
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Can any one help me with these film titles, majority of them being cryptic....( I appear to be doing the same quiz as jaywhybee) 1. Yankee follows gang and gets Richard 2. Paths are dangerous with...
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All answers are artists or bands 1)Cox wood 2)Breaking news for wooden pond 3)Growls at the US university 4)Affirmative x 3 5)Laboratory equipment 6)Ray is 1560 yards ahead 7)Riddle smorgasbord 8)The...
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A.W.I.F.C C.A.J.T.C D.K.T.I.C I.D.J L.B.D P.O.P S.I.C S.D.C S.D T.M.W.A.L.T T.L T.W.C T.S.F Not sure if some are abit mixed up as the first one could be All I Want For Christmas.
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Stil having trouble with these films, can anyone offer any answers: 1. One of 14, red and round, seen twice a week 2. An outstanding number 3. Corporal Clinger in mash 4. Acne found in regular...
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5 = OM of TT, 3 = LP, 206=B in the AB, 6 = WN in the NL, 6 = N of SWF, 8 = N in a S, 9 = N of L a CH, 8 = M a M, 15 =RB on a ST, 66= B in the B, 5 =OR, 3 = BM (SHTR), 7=S on a FPP

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