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I have tons of ideas for new inventions, i'm sure many people do but that's as far as it usually goes. I want to sell my ideas (UK) but I don't understand the process of it all. I know you need some...
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ive been really blonde for ages and last week went medium brown...when im blonde im told i look tarty and when im mid brown i look boring....what should i do??? if it helps..imagine gerry hallilwell...
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Oh Bother
Following my other Q, What song gets you going? The Doors 'Touch me' for me.
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Why do you think people lie so much (compulsive liars)? All I can really think of is that because once they told the truth they were punished for it which means they start lying in order to avoid...
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Does it really work ? Suffer every month from usual 'ladies' pains so bad it puts me in bed.Nothing works up to now.If I thought reflexology would work I WOULD TRY IT !!!!!!!!!
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Why do women spend so much time and money on, Fake tans, false eye lashes, slimming pants, wigs, surgery, etc its a compleat lie. if a guy meets a nice girl, and they get on by the time shes taken of...
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When going out for a drink with your mates, do you dress to impress or dress for comfort?
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I know this is a cold topic. Maybe should have put in People and Places but this seems to be most active. Around 2:30 this morning there was an arson attack on a house literally around the corner from...
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According to the BBC website,the man who has killed 10,000 greyhounds has done nothing wrong. Did he declare his 100,000 pounds earnings on his income tax returns,do you think ?
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I work in an open plan office. I'm rather perturbed by a manager that works for the company who seems to repeat and repeat and finish off my sentences whenever I speak to him. Its getting more and...
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People interviewed on Bournemouth beach by BBC TV National News. Yes, I've bunked off work to come here today (cheeky grin makes it all ok of course). Boss is in Sweden. Well, I hope all you stupid...
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It is very hot where I work as it is an old building with no air conditioning and plate glass windows and the sun shines thru them most of the day. Why does every other customer have to TELL ME it is...
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can anybody tell me why the hell nikki has been evicted?! its absolute madness - thats it, they'll be no point watching now!!! am i the only one who thinks this?
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She was found head butted to death in a Paris nightclub, the french police say it was "murder on Zidan's floor"
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The Sherman
ok im gonna have my piece this has probably been done a thousand times before but pro lifer christians are probably the worst strain of evolution i have ever seen in my life...
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AND VOTE AGAIN! im getting slightly carrried away but we're too late to unite and evict susie so it between aisleyne and nikki!! I urge you all to vote this spoilt, selfish brat out & aisleyne to...
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Mr Dog has just sent me a photo of a tattoo a guy at his work has had done on his stomach. It's a cow, from behind, and the cows bum is his belly button. It is without doubt the stupidest tattoo I...
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Mr Tall
Can I dispute the ticket if the warder got the colour of my car wrong? My car is Navy blue and ticket has it as black.
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what are the best and worst personality people can have? for me: the best = genuine & open minded the worst = arrogants and rudeness
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According to AOL poll she is favourite to win the show. Personally i cant stand her ! She is so over the top and false !!! I know thats why alot of people probably like her but she just annoys me so...

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