What are peoples favourite single malt scotch whisky's? Lets keep it to 15 year olds or younger for now! some that tickle my fancy (and I've only been drinking it for a year) are: Macallan (Brown...
Does anyone know if you can still buy Texan choccie bars ? I used to have them as a kid (a very long time ago) and they were fab ! I can see there's been previous chat about them on answerbank but no...
Following my earlier question, would anyone care to share any trouncings that your team has suffered, and you have had to endure, on your own midding, with other ABers. Craig007 has corresponded via...
I'm trying to cut down on my salt intake - I've got my steamer for my fresh veg - all i need now is a sauce to go with it - does anyone know of a site providing low sodium recipes for sauces? Thanks...
Other than butter, cheese, chilli, coleslaw, beans & cottage cheese what might you put in a Jacket Spud? I'm doing a mini jacket spud tapas on Sunday for the family and would like some more ideas so...
I've had some in my fridge open for about 2 months - its still in its sell buy date, however it says its to be eaten within 4 weeks of opening? What will happen if I eat it now?
I was really hoping that he'd finally connect and score a goal - but it never happened! And when he missed the penalty, I serioiusly thought he had been jinxed by some ex girlfriend with a big grudge...
I know nothing tastes as good as Heinz salad cream, but what would be the nearest substitute in flavour and (?) texture, when mixed through a salad? Definitely not mayo on its own.
what was your favourite television programmes you remember as a kid or teenager, no matter of how good or rubbish they were? the one which sticks in my head was rent-a-ghost.