I have these few left to fill in and wonder if anyone can help? These are clues to the names of British towns: A place to stop for a drink on the way up to Scotland The gathering place for bald men Do...
Can anyone help with these questions: Who drove a vehicle with the number plate APL 911H (TV or cinema)? What have the following in common - Boat Bluff, Dieppe, Metal Mickey, Landsort, Salvatore,...
Can anyone help me with these: 1. Who was found among the vines by his enemy? 2. A foundling child gave him consolation for his lost gold? 3. Who lost his stratigraphical level? 4. What had the...
Which famous artists were spectators at the disastrous fire when the old parliament building was destroyed in 1834, one of whom later painted the event?
A newly elected M.P. is provided with a locker, a coathook in the Members' cloakroom, and a piece of pink ribbon. What was the latter tradionally for ?
That following have a cryptic reference of allusion to which animal? Richard Parker. Its demise surprised an 18th century writer. A cutlery pattern. Lady Macbeth advises her husband to dissemble.
Can anyone help me with these: According to the old country saying, how many seeds should you sow to be sure of one plant? A branch of which tree, hung over your door, will ward off witches? What dire...
Her first son, John, born in 1899 or 1900 at 15 Hughendon Road, Ashley, in Bristol, died in infancy. Her next son survived and became hugely famous under what name?