1ac In the way described (4`-4-4) 10ac In genuine manner. (5) (??u?y) 12ac Female driver (10) (???????u?e) 17ac One who is jealous. (6) 19ac Of higher price or quality. (2-6) (2-???k?t) 22ac Fear of...
7ac `Los (??????),`award-winning variety of Salvia x jamensis. 3d Award- winning variety of Achillea filipendulina (5-2-4) (?g?t?-o?-g?l?) 4d Novel atmosphere enjoyed while working in the garden?(5-3)...
10ac Natural planting medium. (4) (??l?) 11ac Variety of Hedychium densiflorum that sounds like it yields a fruit tea. (5-6) (???a?-????e?) 13ac Orinoco (4)(???w) award- winning variety ofiris that...
31ac Law in the Lowthet hills could appear undaring (anag) (8) (?u?g?a?n) 20d Strath Ardle village sounds like Powerellite pigeon! (8) (?n?c?d?u) 29d Animal that Lulu claimed to be in 1968. (5)...
11d Statistician who calculates commercial risks and probabilities involving uncertain future events, especially for insurance purposes.(7) Ia??u??y) 12ac Raw or unrefined sugar made by evaporating...
29ac Imposition of a tax or a tariff, or the money so raised, (4) Levy ? 30ac Germanic Character of runic origin used in Old English to represent the sound th.(5) (t?o?n) 31ac French pomposer and...
6d Horizontal member dividing a window, as opposed to a vertical mullion. (7)18D nOCTURNAL FELINE MAMMAL MAINLY OF DARK-SPOTTED BUFF-BROUN COAT,lIOPAEDUS PARDALIS. (6) (O??L??) 19D cONTRANSTING...
1ac Pressurised release systern. (6-5) (S?f?t?-v?s?o) 8d Having weight.(5) (??a?y) 121ac 2ac Hair products. (4) (???s) is ir gels? 14ac Makes possible. (7) (??a?l?s) 12ac One of the Forces. (10 )...
10ac Clash is disturbing loch near Drumnadrichit {( (7) [anag] (a?????h) 16ac Dr Alison, the Kirkt`s 1st first female Moderator (7) ( e??????t) 34ac village near M ontrose turns out to irk my ark...
1d Style of vocal delivery in opera ororatorio using natural rythms of speech. (1o) (recitat???e) 22d Performance of parts at the same pitch or in octaves.(6) (???i?o?) 26d In notation these join two...
4d Percussion instrument with aluminium bars and electrically powered resonators for a fluctuating effect. (10) (??bra???o?t) 5d Curved line grouping notes together to show they are ti be sung in one...
7d Contrived and arbitrary solution to a plot problem. originally god brought on stage by mechanical device in Geek drama. (4-2-7) (d?u?-e?-M??h?ta) 8D Part of a car`s bodywork lying between the...
1ac Tess (6), Tomas Hardy`s Tess 0f tha d` Urbervilles. (1891) 6ac Raphanus sativus, cultivated for it`s pungent edible root.(6) 10 ac Course, especially a course of study at a school,collage,...
10ac Junior army officer. (10) 12ac Intense to the senses.(8) (???r?i??) 15ac the 2. (8) (number of copies of each issue of a newspaper that are distributed. (11) (?i???????e?) 20ac Adulterating. (8)...
1ac Green vegetables originting from tte LKow countries.(7) (s?r????s) 3d Vase-like planting Container.(3) (??n) 13d Shrub from the South-east UHSA with Sword-like leaves. (5) (y?c?t) 15d Royal (4)...
23ac Things especially interisting or valued because they are uncommon.(8) 19d O|rgan stop producing a bell-like sound. (8) (C?rill ) 20D rABID FLUCTUATION OF PITCH ON A SINGLE NOTE. (7) (???DA??) 21D...