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Is it possible for me to get internet explorer on my mac? I have leopard as my operating system. if I can, how do I? thanks.
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I recently upgraded my iPod nano software I have only had it since christmas...........and i noticed that as well as installing games on it, it also has a new folder called 'Rentals'. Can anyone...
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My iPod mini has decided to stop playing certain songs a couple of days after me downlading them. it plays them on my computer and itunes but not my ipod. does anyone know what i can do to fix this?
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Hiya does anyone know of the soundtrack used at the end of some of Ben Fogle's Extreme Dreams Program? I think it's used in The Italian Job too, but it's not on the Italian Job soundtrack list as I...
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I need a blow by blow discription for the high tech challenged of how I can transfer music or dvd movies from my windows driven computer onto my ipod. I am desperate to find out.
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Does anybody know where I can find out what generation my ipod is? Its white with a click wheel and black and white screen, and it was made in 2004.
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Bear grylls eats loads of raw meat (including dead animals) on his adventures show - how come he doesn't get seriously ill with food poisoning?
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Does ANYONE know of ANY WAY to turn off the annoying bubble bursting sound that occurs when the volume is changed by one notch on any macbook/ pro etc. thanks!
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I have been given a CD from a holiday i went on last year and its saved as a .DAT file. Now this works in Media Player but not in anything else. I need it to work movie maker so i can still from the...
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has anyone got one? are they any good? Is there 2 different memory ones 8 gig and 16 gig? thanks in advance
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Hi I have now got Windows Vista and I went on to MSN to chat to my family and it won't work the two little men just go round and round till a error message comes up saying ERROR 81000306 so after a...
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is there a way of watching tv on my mac? Like freewire which can be used for microsofts but is not mac compatibile. thanks
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The guy who just won an award, somebody Greenhalgh, why did they call him greenhall????? He obviously was from around here and around here the name is pronounced greenhalsh, my daughters BF has the...

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