hi, I am sure there was a story a few years ago about a man that was convicted of making love to pavements - it was on the front of the Daily Mirror at the time, no-one in my office believes me though...
I have a 40 minute presentation to deliver next week and I've just been handed the title of it - "British Culture", my question is... what is British Culture? I'm looking at what defines British and...
George Bush is in a meeting with, among others, Donald Rumsfelt, discussing the situation in Iraq. Donald is summing up. 'Mr President, we are also saddened to report that two Brazilians were also...
What's the deal here? I went to Edinburgh today and got ripped off with your bus system. Exact money in the box? What, can't your drivers add up? My return was worse as I only...
my colleagues and i at work use this annoying phrase "no problem" all the time. i am really beginning to irritate myself - why should there be a "problem" if i'm asked to do something. any ideas what...
Hi Ed
have you always been the Ed since the dawn of AB time or were you conscripted at a later date? Also, because i'm being nosey, what was the day that the AB launched?
b13thy x
Have just heard a 73 year old put in prison for not baying ?53? backlog of Council Tax. Thank god. Another hardened criminal behind bars. What a laughing stock this country must appear to the rest of...
I drive a reliant robin but notice that when cornering hard it tends to tip a little, and my coffee, on the dashboard, slides all over the place. Is there a website for customizing robins? I was gonna...
How do commercial radio stations recruit so many DJs with exactly the same voice? I'm sure it's just one guy calling himself different names throughout the day.