the third world? where the hell did that term come about? ive been thinking about it all day (well, all night seen as im on a night shift!). the most elaborate thing i could think of, which could...
If you don't believe in God, how do you explain how Israel, constituted in 1948 on the most miserable peice of real estate on planet Earth, has just had an economic growth rate in excess of 5%, is...
How do anthiests believe the world started? There are only a couple of possibilites really. To say you dont believe in god must mean you believe we are here through some other force, but evolution is...
why has the 'situational' setting of religion in society always been 'adhered' to(to some extent?) obv. again looking at ambiguities but what about the survival of religion/ in the refusal to be...
Can anyone tell me how best to deal with some very odd things that have been happening in my house........some of it the usual sort of stuff like foot steps on our third floor...doors shutting (when...
I do not believe in God. You believe in God. Eventually one of us will be proven correct. As it is not possible to confirm the existence of God, before death, I see no reason why my life should be...
Israel fought four major wars, in 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973. West Point don't study Israeli tactics, because they don't make sense! They should have lost on all four occasions! Even atheistic military...
Generally I have been as a left wing pc type, an advocate of human rights legislation and adoption of this into British society, and this has been part of my moral guidance. However I am reading an...
I just came out of the Dartford Tunnel and turned left, with the urgency of killing someone with whom I am in love, possibly. I am drawn like a moth to a flame, have any of you been drawn to...
I read this passage tonight when looking up a website with bible quotes in it and I just can't get my head round the way that if this was to happen today then I'd say you'd definitely be locked up....
We Christians are commanded by Christ to tell all the world of the good news of the Gospel of salvation. We tell Jews about Jesus, the Jews tell us to get lost! We as Christians MUST evangelise, it is...
I know that Santa Claus exists. He is real. You must believe me or you will perish for all eternaty. Santa loves you and wants to be kind and loving to you. He has given you all such wonderful gifts...
can someone please in simple plain English decribe these prophecies that the bible seems to be prdicting so amazingly well. If it turns out theres been a few wars and thats all these prophecies have...
In the news today, large stores in America are stocking The Jesus Doll - Biblical character based toys. A foot-high plastic Jesus doll that quotes Scripture and a three-inch Daniel in the lions' den ....
Just been to visit Mrs. wizard in hospital. Upon opening her locker I found a copy of the Gideon bible lying there. Now, what gives the Gideon society the right to leave this horrible book in places...
Where people get this idea that God causes suffering in this world? Am worried as my teachings have taught me that it has more to do with our free will, than God causing it, but maybe wrong, can...
This can be walking down the road and spitting on cars. Walking down the road at night and shouting for no reason. Calling an elderly gentleman an old **** because he said excuse me to get past some...