Can someone confirm that 11down is Abet.
The clue is "Area to lay egg on" (4). I believe A bet is "laid" and Abet is to egg on. But I'm not sure.
I have A?E?.
Many thanks...
Stuck on top right corner...again!!! 12DN Turned up ornamental box and old diary in your study. (11) O?N???????Y This should help me get the rest. Many thanks
Stuck on 6dn....can't see wood for trees. Very briefly to confirm they may be getting out of property. (7) I have O?N?O?S. Any help much appreciated before I lie down in a darkened room after that...
Any ideas how I can display stuff from my laptop (HD video) onto my HD TV. I have the appropriate USB cable, connecting the laptop and TV but no picture. I'm running Vista.
Last one but it's got me stumped!! 3dn Indirectly seek to compass conclusion - I like some Sudokus. I'm sure it's Fiendish (Seek = Fish) (Conclusion = End) but I can't see where it fits Sudokus!!!!!
Seem to be having a problem everytime Norton Internet 2009 is doing a full scan it freezes the computer at various stages. Norton can't seem to solve it - got chat rooms open all over the place - any...
Finding this one a tad tricky in parts. 5ac Held our tongue, having matured (7) I have ??N?G?I 8dn Expert medical practitioner in retreat(5) I've got IAMBI but not sure of it's right 9dn Fluid and...
32dn Bird flying directly over part of yard gets flower (8). C???F?O? 35ac Vote incomplete - it is cut by Conservative party activity (8) ??I?I?S 3rd letter of 32dn is 2nd letter of 35ac - if that...
Stuck on bottom left corner I think 18ac is Spiceberry - the clue is One fruit I snatch, biting into another. 25ac Female fitted regularly, barking mad all round - see psychiatrist (6-5). ?????? ??i?g