any more help again please. thanks for all your help on my other answers, should have got some of them thought i had finished but last 2 questions these lads come from the seaside and unclothed...
Help please as I am clueless on these. 2.This man and his friends fix cars. 9.Blow up the big drum. 13.Cockney curry. 16.I no longer believe in it. 35. It's all in your mind. 38. Naughty digit....
Seem to be having a problem everytime Norton Internet 2009 is doing a full scan it freezes the computer at various stages. Norton can't seem to solve it - got chat rooms open all over the place - any...
Last one but it's got me stumped!! 3dn Indirectly seek to compass conclusion - I like some Sudokus. I'm sure it's Fiendish (Seek = Fish) (Conclusion = End) but I can't see where it fits Sudokus!!!!!
In Emmerdale on Friday night,the gorgeous Maisie did a quiz and one of the questions was "Name three UK number 1 chart hits,where the title is not in the lyrics." She came up with the answers of...
Finding this one a tad tricky in parts. 5ac Held our tongue, having matured (7) I have ??N?G?I 8dn Expert medical practitioner in retreat(5) I've got IAMBI but not sure of it's right 9dn Fluid and...
can anyone help me with 19a. note marks cubist put around odd dents in earlier painter's style (14) also 8d. be furious about women's stiff gallery buys dear. Many thanks
32dn Bird flying directly over part of yard gets flower (8). C???F?O? 35ac Vote incomplete - it is cut by Conservative party activity (8) ??I?I?S 3rd letter of 32dn is 2nd letter of 35ac - if that...
Made a mess of bottom right . 37d Batsman who's not out (3,7) *o* S******. 46d (7) Scoundrels and i have joined in creating script C*r**** 49a(8) In the centre, introducing cut thats wrongly perceived...
Stuck on bottom left corner I think 18ac is Spiceberry - the clue is One fruit I snatch, biting into another. 25ac Female fitted regularly, barking mad all round - see psychiatrist (6-5). ?????? ??i?g