m An official complaint about telephone calls from prison costing seven times normal payphone rates has been made by the National Consumer Council (NCC)....
What is the strangest/ most random present you have ever recieved? Mine was once a transparent toilet seat with barbed wire in the centre of it. What about you>?
What is the difference between the supermarket Longlife value skimmed milk that costs 49p, and the more expensive "standard" skimmed milk costing around 20p more?
We are having a sports/fun day at school on tues anyone got any ideas on some healthy options for parents and children to eat. We are selling fruit kebabs but dont know what else to sell. If anyone...
Should there be an amnesty for all those with more than two usernames? Should they be made to apologise for all the trouble they have caused and if they do, should the AB Ed show them leniency. I...
Primark have stopped trading with several clothing manufacturers in southers India because they reputedly use child labour. my question is this. has the Fair Trade policy helped or hindered the...
Just taken Tigger to the vets and it looks like she has something stuck down her throat from last week. She is going to be anesthetised so that the vet can check down the back of her throat so I've...
Much as I love your slant on geographical locations, could you put me out of my misery and tell me if there is ANYWHERE in England that isn't near Scotland? :)