this is also posted in animals - I recently found a skull in the garden, i think its a fox skull, and it want to put it in the fish tank as a decoration as it would look quite good. I just need to...
Bit of a daft question really. I was spinning a swizzle stick around my empty tall glass last night, and as it went faster it rose up and flew out of the glass. What is the scientific reason for that?...
Does the cation or anion of an ionic salt determine the color? Why? Which elements in the periodic table are colored and which ones are colorless? Which groups? What would the valance shell...
if a low copy number mixed dna profile(9loci) was tested in a criminal (cold)case how reliable would the result be and would it be safe to convict someone if the only other evidence was...
i am trying to obtain a mouthwash for my 89 year old father. he once had some pink tablets that taken with water produced the pink mouthwash used in dental surgery does anyone know the name of the...
I have a table which is made out of half square inch pieces of stone. They are red and here and there have slivers of copper (not oxidised) in them. Anyone know what sort of stone it is?
I wondered how the dental tablets work, that stain and show up plaque where you have not brushed properly? Are they just a PH indicator or are they more clever than that and actually detect and stain...
When monozygot cell splits in vitro, do the resulting children have the same fingerprints? I know that they have identical DNA, but From what I have read this is not applicable to the fingerprints of...
I just bought a new hot water bottle (for my wife - she feels the cold more than I do). On the bag it says "Do not fill [with] water from the domestic hot water system as this can prematurely degrade...
Modern computers have dual or even quad processors allowing more than 1 task to take place at the same time. They are regarded as more advanced. Its well known that women,unlike men, are able to carry...
after cancer treatment,for example chemo therapy treatment,radiotherapy treatment,can this affect your dna,if someone had a dna test done would it be the same after the treatment?thank you.
Ok..Stuck doing my lab report for uni and I wanted to know if anyone knows about using a spectrophotometer? I know what it is (used for the measuring the accurate characteristic absorbance of...
Does anyone have any experience - good or otherwise - of buying a middle of the road PC from these people? My 8 year old PC (purchased from good old Evesham) is ready for replacing and I have heard...