15 Down Painter is drinking gallons with energy to draw (9) I believe the answer is MAGNETISE, which would make draw the definition and the wordplay as MATISE (painter) 'drinking' GN (gallons) and E...
I'm having trouble placing anything in the grids - I've got quite a few of the answers, but I've hit a wall, in that there's 2 12-letter answers, both of which I've solved, but which appear to not...
Try to solve the Guardian cryptic today by Maskerade. 37 clues have additional 2 letters added to the existing answers which make a ‘themed’ word. I just can’t really get into it. Any help...
1a Point weapon? That's harsh! (8) 9a Late in the year, briefly attending hospital department - it's dirty (8) 4d Writings by Donne about very ordinary people (12) 20a Had listened to jockey here?...
9a Logical source of rubber silicate product (9)
12a Naval chap makes a tender lover (9)
5d Act is rudely interrupted by agent, which is a pain (8)
Merci beaucoup!...