Three parsings I can't get or don't like :- Had unusually sound tips for purchase (8) ADHESION, Why does "sound tips" = ESION? Brother's style indeed shown after Mass? (7) TONSURE. Since when did...
21a. In the wood, a Cardinal found small change (5) ??e?? 24a, Back late drunk ? No milk then (5 3) B?a?? ??? 1d. The suit debt must be settled thus so one can come to grief (4 3 4) B?t? t?? d??? 4d....
15 Down Painter is drinking gallons with energy to draw (9) I believe the answer is MAGNETISE, which would make draw the definition and the wordplay as MATISE (painter) 'drinking' GN (gallons) and E...
I'm having trouble placing anything in the grids - I've got quite a few of the answers, but I've hit a wall, in that there's 2 12-letter answers, both of which I've solved, but which appear to not...