What are the chances of a debt recovery agency successfully recovering an unpaid balance from someone if they have moved house, and are not registered on the electoral roll anywhere, does anyone know...
hi me and my partner are thinking about applying for a mortgage,the problem is we both have a bad credit history,consisting of defaults and arrears,although we dont have any ccjs or bankrupcys. does...
hi i had credit card debts in year 2000 can they still chase me for the money... i was told if i moved with out telling the credit card people they can chase me forever untill i pay.. also if they...
I had a current account overdraft with NatWest of over ?4k. I was making reduced payments. I stopped making payments about 5 years ago and I have not heard anything from them since. Anyway, I now need...
has the data protection act been broken. i have a ?1200 loan with a sub prime lender. due to being off work with a slipped disk { located L2 + L3} and only earning ssp i could not make one of my...
Can anyone reccomend an understanding bank for a new start business? I'd like one where I can actually go and see someone rather than talk to an office miles away! All thoughts appreciated.
I have recently submitted an initial idea, (invention) to this company and I wondered if there was anyone who had also done this. And if so had they had any success and were they pleased with the...