i have a high pitched constant noise, pretty much all the time. sometimes its quiet so i dont notice it much, other times its loud ive noticed it does occassionally stop, & even seem like its...
I wonder if anyone can advise me please. It's been suggested I get a care call type alarm that either my disabled husband or myself would be able to summon help if we couldn't make the phone. I saw...
The Goverment has just given me the Christmas Bonus,all of £10 I am completely overwhelmed! Just what shall I do with it? In case you think I am mean,read this:~ "When it was launched by...
Boris Johnson urges people to get jabbed ‘to be in strong position for Christmas’ https://uk.news.yahoo.com/boris-johnson-booster-vaccine-christmas-omicron-184343617.html Fat chance - I've just made a...
Is it worth buying a static caravan on a well known, popular site with a view to making money by renting it out?
Your experience, views and advice would be appreciated...
… a friend in her 40s abs usually super fit is on a ventilator and seriously ill in hospital. Yes, you’ve probably guessed it. Covid - and unvaccinated. Anti-vaxxers, please think again - for your own...
A friend received a text message today at 5.00am asking her to apply for a Covid passport. She hadn't already got one so she followed a link to apply. The website looked genuine enough but the charge...
I have a lovely photo of my great grandson but the background is terrible. How do i cut him out of the bad photo and place him in a more scenic photo.I've tried following photoshop tutorials but by...
As it's been some years since I wrote my will, things have changed.. deaths and babies etc. Were a very small family but the main beneficiary spends money like its going out of fashion. Can I...
I have a 3 year old boy and my parents have always bought him presents at xmas and birthdays. I have never bought presents for him to give to them on xmas and their birthdays mainly because he is a...
Has anyone used one of these clocks?
My disabled husband is waking me at all hours asking the time..
Theres such a variety on Amazon I'm not sure which one to order.
Many thanks...
What conditions could lead to a specialist advising that an elective operation is not advisable because the patient should not have GA because it could be dangerous?...
Bereavement councelling has anyone here used this type of councelling? I've never been a fan of councelling, couldn't see the point etc... I lost my son and only child last November at the same time I...
Please can anyone give me advice? I don’t get to sleep sometimes until 4 am. I have tried over the counter tablets and they work. But they have possible side effects which I looked up. Does anyone...
Thoughts please. When dialling 999 for an emergency I'm thinking once you have given patients details said patients details would show on the call centre screen.. Does anyone know if I'm thinking...
Help please. I've lost what looks like a large piece from a back tooth. It had been filled long ago so now I have a piece of filling that feels as sharp as a needle catching the side of my tounge...