Son has been tasked with several Bake Off challenges to do this week for school. On Monday we made sausage rolls, today we're making brownies and tomorrow he has to make an animal themed show-stopper...
What is going on here? I'm not going to pretend I understand because I don't. All I know is that the leader was arrested and hasn't been seen for days or weeks and that the country now appears to be...
I only got halfway through this and got a bit bored. I got to the part where the husband was caught and I've still got 3 episodes recorded to watch. Is it worth sticking with?... Online abuse and trolling is bad enough but this is horrible. You really need thick skin when you've been thrust...
Just saw this on Twitter and couldn't believe this is still carried out given the possibility of drowning. And on babies in some parts of Romania and possibly other places around the world....
Felt nauseous last night but managed to get some sleep. Since I've been up I've thrown up a few times. I've tried fresh ginger in boiled water which hasn't worked. My mum also insisted on diluted...
Just finished watching this series on catch up but I didn't understand quite what was happening. Is it a supernatural story? Who was the girl that fell at the beginning? Maybe I should've paid more...
I know there's been heavy snow in some parts of the UK in the last few weeks and now it's finally in London. Maybe it'll stop people going out unnecessarily. Although it may be difficult for those...