Hi myself and the wife sold our property for quite a profit in November couldn't find anywhrere to buy so are renting -place all going well property managed soley through Estate Agents however on 30th...
Our freeholder who owns the top flat (two flats in the property we own the bottom one) which he rents out has a real Pikey as a tenant she has a dog although our lease agreement states we can not keep...
..... ..... we own a leasehold property the freeholder owns the free holder owns the flat upstairs as well as the freehold he does not however have a lease on the flat above his tenant is becoming...
........all of a sudden it has ceased broadcasting because of the launch of ITV 3 no more On the Buses Not on you Nellie or Bless this house nor more Bullseye and no more WHEEL TAPPERS AND SHUNTERS...