52a - Graceful runner ranks alongside one second-rate one --I-I (Alibi?) 47d - Weight that's born by incoming cargo ship -M---T (Impact?) If I'm right - why? If not please tell!
Help with 42a please. clue: Horse moving damn badly needed to make ground?(4-4) Have: H - - - / M - N -, Also, is 47d IMPOST? clue: Weight that's born by incoming cargo ship?
11a brilliant , top notch - - r - - - i - 13a performed surgically - - e - - - e - 21a fanciful , romantic - - e - m - 24a allocation , share - - t - o - 3d substantial , firm - o - c - e - e 6d...
17d clue: Author's latest on list, about to move up (9). Answer turns out to be 'generator' I think, and I can make out 'rota' going up, or 'genera' going downwards, and going 'about TO' with last...
Bizarrely, this comes from Sunday Times Christmas crossword of 2006 (discovered among some papers). All done now, but 16a clue is: I travel with Santa, say, and belt around the Arctic? (3-5) Answer is...
44a PM recalling current King's instincts (8). I can see that the answer 'Disraeli' is reversing Lear's id, but how do we get the other 'i'? 53a Country area I found further west in old kingdom(7). Is...
Puzzled about 29d. Clue: Sex turning up in sensual festive occasion(8) Answer is 'carnival' i.e. 'carnal' for 'sensual' with (I think) VI (six) enclosed & 'turning up'. So is 'sex' a typo? Or am I...
6d European politician has links with dead men (7) Emp + ties. I can see that it is 'empties' and I've heard the barman ask if these bottles (the empties) are 'dead' - but 'dead men'? Has anyone heard...
1d Averse, in the establishment, to dress up. Can anyone see why the answer to 1d is CLOTHE? I can see that 'loth' in the middle means 'averse'; where do C and E come in? Help please . . .
Any help with explaining why the answer to 23a is 'taste' please? Clue: Discrimination, say, first taken to heart(5). I can see that the first letter of 'say' is taken to the heart of the answer - but...
just one to go and the 5 letter word is"...over unknown food". It is ?a?t? - any reason it should be pasta? The previous clue reads "Composer in tangle......." (...
Puzzled about the wordplay on these - any help please? 1d is 'tabu'. How is this reached from 'Heartless killer surfacing is ostracised'? I can see 'tabu' = 'ostracised' but where's the heartless...