Way to cut back, cutting front, for example (8) I know the answer is INSTANCE (it has to be, I have I_S_A_C_ and clearly means example) but the clue is driving me crazy. Any explanations greatly...
1ac (?????????))) Buttons, common name of Chryanthemum Parthenium. 8ac ?Sun-D??c, award-winning variety narcissus. (4) . 12ac Her Pink,award-winning variety of Penstemon (6) (e????e) 13ac `White...
7d - Wicked princess overcomes a head of state. 6 letters R - A - A - 42a- Article to add to casserole? 6 letters - - - A - O ( Is it tomato or potato or something and why? 50d - Depart for Arabia in...
All finished but not v. happy with 4d. Clue is: Divorced some time between Thursday and Tuesday. Answer seems to be 'unwed'. I can see that 'wed' may mean Wednesday, but where does 'UN' come from? Any...
Got it all but, as usual, a couple I can't see how they are worked out. 1d is SIGMA. Clue is 'Character going to extremes in Sophocles (5). Why please? Of course it's a Greek character and so is...
One more question about the Spectator X-word that Greyfox attached: 16a answer is TIRE. This is OK for 'pinafore' and 'dress' (according to Shorter Oxford Dict.) but how does it fit with 'train'?...
I've never seen this crossword before, and really enjoyed it. Got everything in, but would like to know how 21a AREA CODE (I think) is arrived at? Thanks in advance for help.
31a The answer is 'open-air concert' Clue is: Begin song as soon as queen enters court for musical event (4-3,7) The answer is 'open-air concert' explanation: Begin = open, song = air, queen enters...