3 niggles on parsing :- 1) Bacon's partner the man in question plans to sort of paint (8) ?G?S?E?L = EGGSHELL. But how does LL equate to "in question plans to"? 2) Orange's so long to perish when...
Two from a month ago :- 1) One clothed in a nudist camp has words with vile men stripped down (7) T?X?I?E The answer is, unsurprisingly, TEXTILE, but I do not understand either the definition or the...
An oldie from January 2019 :- Legend in game, but not going down a treat in Milan? (6) ?E?A?O The answer is, apparently, GELATO - which, I suppose, could be "going down a treat in Milan" - but I can't...
Two queries from an old unfinished puzzle of 2 years ago :- 1) Review total jazzman not using small piano (7,2) The answer is SUMMING UP which takes care of the definition (review), but could somebody...
Goodness, I have struggled more with this puzzle than I can remember in a long time. Final clue :- River or bay -- or at least sound (5) R?O?E I thought it might be RHONE, as in sounding like rowan,...
1) A neighbour to a Queenslander, maybe, briefly making comeback (6) ?N???? 2) China do it -- then we start to trade differently (9) T???T???? (the first T might be wrong) 3) Very quietly coming up...
1) Harry's chum spinning tale before and afterwards (5,2) L?T?R ?N. The definition would appear to be "afterwards" and the answer is surely LATER ON, but how/why does RON = Harry's chum? 2) Commune in...
1) It's potentially the right attitude (4) S?D? The answer, apparently, is SIDE, but I don't understand why. 2) Kind old man returned theatre member's programme (5,5) ?R?E? P?P?R. I understand the...
Legendary prince's abilities, missing the crossbar. (5) P?R?S The answer is PARIS and whilst I understand that as the son of Priam, king of Troy, I can't fathom the wordplay of "abilities missing the...
Case: it involves singular person on the fiddle? (15) I?S?R?M?N?A?I?T It's obviously INSTRUMENTALIST ("person on the fiddle"), but can somebody please parse the rest of the clue....
Final clue from a couple of weeks ago :- Full of goodness, cook tripe (8) F?U?M?R? The only word that fits which makes some sort of sense is FLUMMERY ("a pudding made from the husks of oats" plus...
1) Best in Team, Miguel's the personal bookkeeper! (9,5) ??C?R?I?G ????? 2) Hastily try to see where Joshua is falling short (8) ???????E 3)Tabloid's web version, maybe, shielding bishop : that...
Well, at least I'm up to today's Times. Just one query :- Record of two sides getting under twenty? (10) ?C?R?S?E?T It surely has to be SCORESHEET. Definition = Record, twenty = score, but why does...
Just two niggly parsing issues :- By now cryptid must be finally dismissed (3) Y?T. It's not exactly rocket science to arrive at YET(for By now as the definition), but the wordplay....? I've no idea...
Just one query from last Friday :- You are to leave with dispatch, taking it easy (6) ?E?T?Y. I know the answer is GENTLY (presumably the definition is taking it easy), bu I don't see the rest. TIA...