Just the one parsing query :- Sudden switching of power on without gas hit production (4,2,7). C?U? D? T?E?T?E. Well, it has to be COUP DE THEATRE, but I can't parse it. ... ...
It's time to get behind Prince William? (4) P?T? Is this PITT referring to one of the two William Pitts? CotW :- Patronise all the locals turning up to fight outside clubs (3,5) P?? C???? ... ...
Well, at last I've got two, not just one :- Gracious king's saving seat, lowering head (6) ?R?M?S Apt reforms at close of busines with stock dropping (6) C???A? (The third letter is probably W),... ...
Again, just the one :- Author in online catalogue after end of autumn (8) NOVELIST. I get N (end of autumn) and - possibly - LIST (catalogue), but why does OVE = online?
Again, just the one. (Why is it that, so often, it is just the last clue you can't get?) :- About to eliminate resistance in the old capital (7) Y?O?N?E. The answer is YAOUNDE (the current -... ...
Just the one parsing query :- Like the clappers are striking : without end? (7) R?P?D?Y. It would apperar to be RAPIDLY (like the clappers) but, apart from a loose connection between IDLY and... ...
3 clues where I know the answer but don't get the parsing :- Collect some bread in unusual haste (has pocket emptied)? (4,5,3,3). PASS ROUND THE HAT. Anagram of "haste has + pt" plus ROUND? ... ...
The Times :- Promised Land lacking an amazing wedding venue (4) ?A?A. Is it LALA? Why? Not using cipher to frame article, free from suspicion (2,3,5) I? T?E ??E?R. It would seem to be... ...
Just the two :- One checking posters in government department (3) M?D. Looks like MOD (Ministry of Defence), but why "one checking posters"? Porridge is cold, with no flipping goodnes in New... ...
Sorry, I forgot the CotW :- Electric Vehicle behind a 50% reduction in carbon (6,3). I can only think of ESTATE CAR, but that doesn't seem to take account of "Electric".
Wind up on the stage? (4) O?O?. Is it really OBOE? Show of modesty is often replaced with flamboyance (4,11) ?E?? D?P?E?A?I?N. Okay it's SELF-DEPRECATION, but why "often replaced with... ...
I managed to come up with all of the answers, but there are 6 clues where I do not understand (nor sometimes accept) the parsing :- Arab nation reversed hold on island (7) K?W?I?I. It can hardly... ...
Just the one :- Blossom that is seen behind duck (6) D?A?I? Is it DEARIE? If so, it seems a bit feeble if "Blossom" and "duck" are both terms of affection, being used to provide yet another term... ...
Were all given share of lifebelts, apparently, to join navy (2,2,3) G? T? S?A. It's obviously GO TO SEA (to join navy), but I can't parse the rest. Catching up with court case (11) O?E???A?I?G. ... ...
Can someone please parse these two :_ Well-adapted, efficient, and thus pithy? Not initially (9) E?GON??IC. ERGONOMIC - but why? Liquid carrier's first thing needed for big run (7)... ...
Just the one :- Edge has broken some pieces of glass instrument (8) ?A?P?P?S. BAGPIPES would fit "instrument" as the definition, but I can't parse the word play.
Cut bottom nearly a job for me (3) D?C. I can only think of DIC(e) and DOC(k), both being shortened (nearly) versions of words meaning CUT. But the "nearly" comes after "bottom" not after... ...
What hotel may offer for very few people or a number (3,3,3) T?A ?O? ??O Why is it TEA FOR TWO? Centre of activity features extravagant outdoor amenity (3,3) ?O? ??? Ready to sleep, but... ...