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Isit really lazy if I can't be arsed to go and put the telly on? ... or even to Google it?...
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... looking ominously good tonight.
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Redknapp resigns from Spurs.......apparently
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I've been for a run ... Three days in a row ... Yay me !! ... had a shower, and now I can't stop sweating. I've got on my jarmie bottoms and a ratty old tee shirt (nobody's going to come round,...
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I'd love a dog but it's just not really an option at the moment so I was thinking of doing some dog walking. I've googled around my area and there are lots of companies that offer it (at a charge) but...
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Following another thread, I'm interested. How many of you have ever come across hypodermic needles while out and about? (I'm not talking to those of you who spend your free time in drug dens). I've...
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On the news tonight, both a representative of the Church of England and a spokesman for Islam said that since it is in direct contravention of God’s law, marriage between same sex couples must...
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Dress to your age? depending on your age what in clothing do you look for? Fashion / young looking? / or keeping in tone with your /Son's / Daughters? does your family feel embarrassed when out with...
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His spouse passed away just after Christmas. They had been married for over 30 years. He is now living with a young woman in the house he and his wife shared. It is less than 6 months. I realise life...
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Looks like it is all over for RoI. They really needed to win tonight
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http://www.dailymail....opening-ceremony.html I along with the rest are all for show of a little patriotism, but do you think it is appropriate for part of the opening ceremony to "MENTION THE...
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Inormally drink six to eight mugs of tea a day. one of my friends drinks about fifteen a day. She says i dont drink nearly enough fluids. What do you think?
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Should all dogs be muzzled when out in public areas even when on a lead? It would be interesting to see dog owners views.
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Dont know if its just the amount of rain that we are having, but have just gone out the garden and dont think Ive ever seen snails so big in my life! They've all come out in the wet so ive scooped...
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Anyone think we are going to win it?
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My SWD has been scratching himself for about 2 weeks now and is getting sore now around his back legs, i have bathed him in t tree, frontline him (no fleas found or eggs) used ex ma rid soothing cream...
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sorry if you've seen this already, over 6.5m views theres every chance. I'm sure most dog owners have had these moments!
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Technology has now usurped a woman's job in the home - that of knowing where things are! http://www.newscienti...ousehold-objects.html What other functions should technology replace?...
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My relatives have got squirrels in her loft and I was wandering if anyone knew of any good ways to get them out,she has tried her local council but sadly they won't help,any suggestions very welcome?
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My partner and I (both well over 70) are looking for a late autumn getaway for three or four weeks, reasonably priced and we are quite happy booking self catering holidays. as we enjoy trying new...

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