Really ? What....the smoking ban is worst that mass unemployment in coal producing areas ? Is any wonder that UKIP is seen as mad as a box of frogs ? The...
Had to buy a new printer. Gradually managed to get main PC, my iPad, OH laptop to print. Can't get my laptop to print. It will print if connected with usb thingy but that means going into another...
Saturday. Yesterday was warm and sunny. Not a cloud in sight this morning. So I hope it's going to be the same again today. Quite warm through the night too, so tiggy is still out and about, he's had...
A wife comes home late at night and quietly opens the door to her bedroom. From under the blanket she sees four legs instead of two. A man and a woman. She reaches for a baseball bat and starts...
my machine is creda j1200d my washine is coming out incredibly wrinkly to the point it takes me 10 minutes to iron pair of jeans, bed clothes are a nightmare. why and whay can i do, im doing...
I have had some of my posts removed for reasons I cannot understand. How about a "sin bin" style arrangement where posts that are deemed unacceptable by the AB mods (for whatever reason) are placed in...
My friend's father passed away recently and when sorting through some of his belongings, they came across a picture of 4 people and he's wondering who they all are:... Fancy picking a vegan to be the...
A council is planning to introduce this, according to a report on the wireless this morning. It may be OK in the cold of Winter but in the Summer heat won't there be a health risk apart from the...
Good morning all. It's Thursday, so it's practically the weekend! Only one week until I jet off to sunny Seville for mum's birthday :) Temperature seems to be holding its own over there. Anyone have...
Wednesday. Yesterday turned out warm and sunny. I got some work done in the garden. Not a cloud in sight at the moment, a lovely clear sky with all the stars doing what stars do. Tiggy got home about...
The last 4 have me flummoxed : 20A : US slang for a stupid person (6) : S?I?O? 33A : Old term from the United States for an assistant purser (3-5) : M??-?L?R? : I'm assuming the second word is CLERK?...
I suddenly am unable to key in a pound sign on my keyboard - it shows # instead. Also the 'at' sign has become " Online suggestions are that I've got a US keyboard setting, but I have checked the...
Was down here this afternoon....rather beautiful.......then I found this video and it really shows it all off..... Fav locations? Or been here to Hell's Mouth? By the way, it's a local suicide spot...