23d seems to have split opinion! The Squires's clue: 'On that' The Crusader's clue: 'Present received - received by you!' Previous posts (that I've seen) have only given the squire's clue. Letters...
May I suggest that the Editor deletes maybe 15,000 of the old answers in the crossword section. This may help to speed up the process of searching for answers/clues. I am fairly sure that there is...
Just thought all you regulars might like to know that out of a possible 44 clues in this puzzle at least 39 have been answered on this site, some of them at least twice. And this is from a puzzle that...
I love picallilli but lately no matter what sort I buy it just isnt the same as it used to be :( What make picallilli do you think is the best? It has got to have all the following extremely tangy...