Hi all, can someone kindly explain 25d 'And this may follow without being specific, shortly (4)'. I know the answer is 'soon', but I don't get it. Many thanks....
This evening The AnswerBank will change how the site's search bar will work. Or more appropriately, who can use it. Last weekend we experienced especially high traffic from anonymous visitors using...
As with a house purchase, where can complete the transaction oneself, is a solicitor a legal reuirement when effecting an equity release. The process looks straightforward to me, where there are no...
Ever popular girl I spotted in some clubs (7); Say, fuel rod a bungling inspector initially leaves to be consumed (8); Be fast with colour that's applied to nails (6,5). Thanks in advance!
1d} Ideal candidates, having let attention wander, slip. (5,6) Is it 'dream wicket' or 'dream ticket'? Your help with this last one very much appreciated.
41d) Coming across as wild person, model being held up outside (9). Have t?a?e?s?L. 14a) Bureaucrat started to lose heart when meeting the board (4,7) B?A? C?u???R. Your help keenly welcome.