1. french hen has toothed closure inside (8 letters) 2. short barricade that's mad (8 letters) 3. two companies head quiet man.utd.(7 6 letters) thanks for any help
Good evening, I’m stuck on the following for which I seek help, thanks in advance! 10a Kinky material puts energy into soap? (7): L?A???R 28a Can resident politician Vic start to testify? (7) :... ...
what an awful thing, again london descending into violence.. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13409169/woman-mugged-Mornington-Crescent-station-attack.html ...
Right so the volunteer I messaged after the fight the bulldog I was walking was that man I been talking about on here. I messaged him after for advice as he had incidents with dogs before. I just... ...
11a Difficult part of golf course, said to be like pubic hair: t?f?y - tufty? never heard of that in either context. 27a Fabric of time diminished royal: t?i?? 20d Caught in lie about government's... ...
No 7. Fluster. .... Tar(sailor) 8 letters 14. Soft and sweet but queer infant. 3,4 letters 22. Take in Cornish town which Saint Vacated. 10 letters 23. Waitin' unloadin' and ........ 6... ...
Help please Identify the word or name including the letters E M which links the following . a) lock line, and stitch b) Stitch. Cell and ginger c) No. page, and solving d) Management. Drainage, and... ...