Wind up on the stage? (4) O?O?. Is it really OBOE? Show of modesty is often replaced with flamboyance (4,11) ?E?? D?P?E?A?I?N. Okay it's SELF-DEPRECATION, but why "often replaced with... ...
What hotel may offer for very few people or a number (3,3,3) T?A ?O? ??O Why is it TEA FOR TWO? Centre of activity features extravagant outdoor amenity (3,3) ?O? ??? Ready to sleep, but... ...
17a Request to hold on to one sci-fi book with many copies (5,3,2,2) ???E?/???/??/?? 24a One described as lance percival's weapon holder? (8) ??N????? 8d Heresy in church? It is embraced by friar... ...