For Ethel and/or Rojash: Having read your replies to chas2008 dated 11.8.08 you both seem very enthusiastic about Ubuntu and it was mentioned that you can run Ubuntu from a live CD without installing...
A man in a hot air balloon, realising he was lost, reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended further and shouted to the lady, 'Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would...
Regarding yopur recenr post " 4GS Wed 13/08/08 14:32 B00, it's our old friend Gravitate, you know, the one who was posting pictures of our groups kiddies to Legend " Do not involve me in any `petty...
Women can and do use an assortment of vibrators and sex toys but men are tabooed into not admitting that they might use an electric lady toy thingy whatsaname? I read this the other day and it is a...
my 14 yr old daughter wants the top of her ear pierced. the strange man in the tattoo/piercing place scared her (and me too!), and didn't have a piercing gun so wanted to use body piercing stuff....
Looking for a american or uk eye drops that makes ure eyes really white and bright,tried all the others in the marketplace,optrex,generic makes,think it was mentioned by some model cant remember who,...
Every so often the jokes on here get really bad, no, not just bad they are death by cringe bad. I remember the days of the bacon tree/ambush joke, but i thought things had moved on, sadly not. Come on...
Select a small Island off the Welsh coast. Make all types of drugs free, for registered Junkies and other low life. But only within the Island. With luck a large drop in crime. They will not have to...
1. What have have brought to AnswerBank ? (information, solutions, recipes or just plain - or even complex - stupidity ?) 2. Why ? Do you have no information, solutions or recipes ? 3. What colour is...
Hi can anyone think of a line in a song , that means one thing , but could easily be misconstrued and taken the wrong way? It may sound rude or even crude when thats not the original intention of the...
Dont worry mate all is forgiven and I did not think it was like you to be like you were last night. Now can I have some off the stuff that you was on last night toppy.
Do you conjure up an image of an ABer? I imagine JoggerJayne to look like Lisa off Big Brother. And when we used to have VillageVicar on board, I always thought of Dick Emery when he played the vicar...