Congrats to Labour and JC a superb unexpected performance. Our own campaign was risible and duly punished by the electorate. I think Mrs May will have to go and we could end up with another election...
Why have Labour not bound and gagged the shadow Home sec?...
Many below, including the left wing are advocating arresting suspects before they strike so is it time to utilise one of our many Islands and set up a camp starting with the 3000 that the security...
Microsoft, learn that you are not improving anything. Just spent 20 mins trying to get my in box back to normal. Why must they continually find ways to kiss me off by "upgrading" - if you must do it...
In the post below we get all the usual suggestions about how to deal with the islam issue matched by all the usual PC liberal protestations. Ok the floor is yours what do you suggest? we fired our UK staff, outsourced to some useless shower, disrupted countless travel plans with our incompetency oh and by the way you can claim off your...