I think the personal allowance rises are pretty good, though I'm sad they haven't caned smoking a lot more, 2%, perlease 100%! if you are serious.... never ever grab a... So Lord Adonut thinks freeing ourselves from tyranny is somehow appeasing the Nazis! seriously? how...
when I log in to the ERSC and go to the ticket sales for the six nations, I see they are only available to the RFU staff. Surely they haven't snaffled the lot. Anyone any idea, when/if they will be... As I have said all along the business community will decide this not the snout in the trough politicians. "They will lobby European governments to offer...
I know the noise would do my loaf in but at the same time I sympathise with parents trying look after a crying baby.... “It’s the greatest giveaway of political power that a country has voluntarily ever done.” - err we wrest power over...
Err you could always not email pics of yourself in your smalls to a gay website, just an idea mate! PMSL!...