He was driving an unsafe car, didn't have insurance, and he was speeding. Am I alone in thinking that the Magistrates here have been...
My boyfriend and I have been together for three and a half years. He does not believe in marriage and does not want to get married. He said he will buy me a beautiful ring so as I can identify myself...
lowlife incompetant driver kills innocent so lets knock a third off. On what planet do out judges live?... If he had suddenly reduced speed a vehicle travelling behind...
Do you agree that this is the perfect come-back for those who wish to express their distaste with the comments made by UKIP councillor David Silvester?...
I have a neighbour who rents a garage from a housing association. The garage is next to but separate from their house and has a car parked on its drive, a car which, whether taxed or not i'm unsure,...
Just been watching one of those programmes where a couple of scum - sorry, bailiffs/sheriffs - go into businesses and seize assets for unpaid debts. They very often take computers. Apart from the... Network Rail are embarking on a safety programme costing £130m. But at the end of the day, is it really the responsibility of Network Rail to protect the public...
Draft EU legislation is to be discussed and voted on in the coming weeks, which would provide for the operation of 60T 82'0" long mega trucks across the EU, including the UK. the compelling argument...
UKIP announces plans to ban education about global warming in schools. Specifically, they want to stop screenings of Al Gore's film [i]An Inconvenient Truth[i]...
Like a plonker a mate of mine has subscribed to a text message service giving racing results and cannot stop them. They only come from Hadock park but there is no apparaent way that you can stop them....
During a conversation in News the other day, I said I know many people who have changed their political allegiance from Labour to Conservative, but none at all who have swapped from Conservative to... This woman is odd to say the least, wanting to wear it 12 hours a day and she clearly thinks (from the interview I saw...
They could hire a headsman from Saudi of the French must have guillotines rusting away somewhere.