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Dr Who just keeps getting better and better. Thought they couldn't top last week's, but I'll bet there's a generation of kids that won't be able to look at a statue in the same way after tonight!
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If there was a god he wouldn't let my mum suffer they way she is. She has battled cancer for nearly 2 years and it is spreading. She has to deal with that, the chemo and she can't walk anymore due to...
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How come gay men can relate so well with women ? There are couple of them that work where i work and i always see them surrounded with women laughing and chatting, and really bonding with them. Are...
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Just a follow on from yesterdays post about the little girl.She died .Sadly she is no longer with us .,,30100-1 269180,00.html
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guys . deirdre barlow or lisa dingle ???? gals. zak dingle or jack duckworth ??? if you wanna add any feel free.
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Does anyone just feel a little bit sorry for poor old Paris?? lol i want all your views lol
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I just found out that I'm like 2 weeks pregnant. Last week the day I was supposed to start my period, I took a test and it came back negative. I got drunk that night and a week later found out that I...
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Read this in mondays daily mirror and i was toitally shocked.A middle class man , millionaire , and yet he could do this to a little girl?I f he is indeed guilty i hope he gets the sh!t beaten outta...
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Is Simon Cowell gay?
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Rycon's Mom
My almost 4 year old refuses to poop in the toilet. We have tried everything!! My friends and family say he will do it when he is ready but we have had enough already!! Any suggestions?
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how do i nominate someone for extreme makeover uk.
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and im going to see him !!!!!! i can't wait , i feel like a chinese im hungry
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Am i the only person in the country that absolutley hates Big Brother????? BB 1 was fine as it was something different, BB 2 i could understand as a follow up to BB1 but now it's just getting stupid....
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hi guys !! come on who has a hang over today ?
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do women find baldness a big turn off or do some women secretly lke it? im asking because im showing signs that my hair is thinning on top (nothing major) but i think its a good bet i wont have much...
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Hi there, Have recently developed a bit of a passion for steak and was just wondering whether the George Foreman lean mean grilling thing cooks a steak well? Thanks
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Can anyone tell me the track played on neighbours tonight when Stingray dies? It was Janelle's party and everyone was dancing to it. The Chorus was "Do you see what I see" It sounded like an 80's...
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Is it true that men and women can't be friends or is it just those who judge that put that burden on that friendship?
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Why have i just seen david beckham on tv with grey hair?!?!?! Is he really grey or is this a "fashion" statement?
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What would be the best present I could bring, or the most helpful thing I could do for my friend who is a single mother of a 3 week old baby? Seeing as I'm not a mother I wouldn't know! I will be...

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