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I thought it was fascinating the way they investigated DJ Ray Teret, (Jimmy Savilles driver) and found the young girls phone numbers behind the wallpaper in his old flat. Also the other rape cases...
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now gone bankrupt. I feel sorry for all the Creditors who are owed the money.
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I watched the first 2 episodes last night, on recommendation from a friend, and it was brilliant. Its a mystery, where you don't know whats going to happen next, and plenty of sexual scenes if your...
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1) Men are not mind readers. 2) Learn to work the toilet seat, you’re a big girl. If it’s up, put it down. You don’t hear us complaining when you leave it down. 3) Crying is blackmail. 4) Ask...
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How do you go to the live auctions that are happening now? Thanks
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It wont work, and have tried 2 and new batteries, and impossible to play my game , so have to use the pad which I hate...
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Anybody watch it last night? I feel quite sorry for that doctor who seems to have the couple with learning difficulty's, every episode. They both seem to be obsessed with their bums & poo's. Last...
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it be dangerous? I was going to make/grow crystals with my grandson, and watched how to do on YouTube, but some people remarked that it was risky. Also, can you add it to washing powder for washing...
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Ordering my meat tonight for a casserole that you helped me in deciding which steak to use, so how much should I order for 5 average portions, cant get used to these foreign weights? Thanks....
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Good News Ladies :-) Renault and Ford have joined forces to create the perfect small car for women. Mixing the Renault 'Clio' and the Ford 'Taurus' they have designed the ' Clitaurus '. It comes in...
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My friend wants to take her Mother to the States for her 60th birthday next July, and depending on the cost, would like to visit New York, Niagara Falls and maybe Florida or Las Vegas if not to...
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and have been in contact with a few kennels, but they don't seem to have hardly any, and most I see are Staffies. It would be a shame to buy one with so many dogs needing homes, but they keep sending...
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steak casserole to cook in a slow cooker, and should I seal it in a frying pan first? Thanks....
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Can somebody tell me briefly how it ended last week as I tend to forget some parts? Thanks.
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I wish he wouldn't shout and get OTT when a player misses a shot, pockets a ball, and especially when the white cue ball looks as though its going to go in. '' Wheres The Cue Ball Going????' Otherwise...
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It started a couple of days ago, and its worse when I lean back on the sofa and when lying down in bed, I have to keep moving position to ease the pain.and its worse when I breath in. Had a chest...
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of of skin/head that is between the bottom of your nose, and your top lip that is shaped in a bit of a groove?
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For those watching the fight, are you paying for it, or watching on your computer?
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Week on the News, with all the discussions, analyst, expert advice for the Mother and Baby, etc, etc But I suppose it will give us all a break from Politics!...

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