All answers can be worn on head, feet or rest of body. Cryptic rules are only loosely observed. Thanks to all those who responded to my previous thread. We now have only these 3 left. 5. Walk around...
All answers can be worn on head, feet or rest of body. Cryptic rules are only loosely observed. 5. Walk around the place. (5) 13. Skater's sensation. (6) 24. Ca's footwear 32. Sounds like a lot extra....
Has anyone else noticed the extraordinary success rate of this solver in winning prizes? I'm fairly sure that this week's runner-up in the Spectator must be about his/her 4th or 5th mention this year,...
Can anybody throw light on this painting? Who is it by? What is it called? Where can it be viewed? Current issue of Private Eye, 30th September to 13th of October front cover.
TYRUS Please stop inflicting this tiresome propaganda on us (Message in 1Ac, 5Ac, 9Ac, 10Ac, 11Ac). Most lovers of the game couldn't stand the bullying, aggressive style of play and the...
There's a definite error on the online version. 22Ac & 20Dn. The latter is a thematic answer (See 9Ac, 11Ac, 23Ac, 3Dn) 22Ac an Americanisme for toilet inside a 4 letter word for joints. 20Dn CORE...
Please don't send hate mail, but Sunday Telegraph "Enigmatic Variations 976", and Sunday Times "Mephisto 2656" prizes won in the same week is a bit rich even for me! Apologies to...
Could anybody out there enlighten me as to the significance of this title? The theme of the puzzle involved 9 unclued words which were synonyms of words which could be anagrams of a 6 letter word...
The Online PDF gives the solution to clue A as 12 letters. (7,5). This is an error, as the solution has 7 letters. Very entetainig as usual with Araucaria's alphabetical jigsaws, and quite lenient and...