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could anyone give me a clue to any of the following please.In 1901 K L develops B C S. In 1909 L of J H M born.In 1914 C T in the great war.In 2005 J S appointed F B A, not expecting full answers just...
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Can I please beg help for a last one on this quiz and then I can get it in the post, you have been so helpful with all the others for which I have been most grateful. 64 You may find it,quite...
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The answers are Scottish Wildflowers - but I suppose any wildflower would do! The question is Pond dweller with and exotic flower...
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Sounds like a runner! 6 letters
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I have one question that I'm stuck with on my latest Save the Children quiz. Its a link word quiz. Here are the 2 words FUNNY ...................... DEAL...
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I need the answer to one question. The answer is "sound - spelling - hidden - cryptic" eg. A cassette of Python's activities = Montevideo The one I'm stuck with is First class scavenger...

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