Good morning all, coming to you at warp-factor 10, now having cranked the dear girl up and onto broadband, I hope there are no more spectacular hiccups !!! Week 2 is upon us - fingers crossed or a...
I have eventually been able to make contact with King Ulysses the Valiant after his house move last weekend. As things stand, it looks like that I, crofter, will (once again) need to deputise for him,...
Good morning all - just a little note to say I'm all ready and waiting for this morning's matches to be posted - thought I'd better get in early now that Aquagility is back, but of course this will be...
Good Morning and Welcome to another month of pitting your wits to predict MM Link Words. I have been dubbed by crofter as King Ulysses the Valiant and he has agreed to launch this posting on my...
Good morning from a sunny Adelaide and a very unsunny seekeerz whose three previous attempts to post her thread has been met by the white wall of silence and then oblivion !!! Have now tried turning...
Winter draws on (or winter drawers on)? Last week, my attempt to be provocative certainly worked. You all went "Cuckoo". I even had a phone call from a cuckoo with a Manchurian accent! Anyway, Mrs...
This final week in the reign of King Wickedtongue continued to provide a healthy number of bonus points for the early birds with the last link going to a shrewd late-comer. Following a theme of...
8 strongly nationalist area of belfast subject of conflict at the height of the troubles(13) ??d?r?o?s?o?n 7 fifth century female saint who founded a convent and hostel in co roscommon which later...
next HBOS dividend will be paid in shares, per the LloydsTSB merger news release. Two questions of general interest 1/ Will "dividend tax" be deducted, as would be the case if it were a normal...
Hello again everyone and welcome to the fourth and final week of my reign as King Wickedtongue. Last week, I was able to turn back on the flow of points (more or less) to bring healthy returns to the...
And the final week of the current contest. Fingers very much crossed against a repeat of last Monday's meltdown but very glad that Gen2 realised my predicament and was able to carry on, regardless. By...
Yet another month has sped by on life's roller coaster. Tomorrow I will have finished removing the Artex from the ceiling and can start the process of renovation beginning with papering the ceiling ~...
Hello again everyone and welcome to the third week of my reign as King Wickedtongue. Last week, I was very surprised to find that the points total dropped so dramatically. It just goes to show how...
Good morning everyone, inspite of 'panic stations' yesterday, I'm actually here and posting [ obviously !! ] so gen2 will be able to relax and have a lie-in, instead of having to hold the fort for me...
I can't stop long ~ I'm running late! All this week I have been spending time doing DIY in the Spare Room trying to remove the Artex from the ceiling! I've just showered and with one eye on the clock...
This is King Wickedtongue all ready to set the next MM Links Challenge ably assisted by Queen Silvertongue in order to achieve a good gender balance between the styles of words selected. Well, here we...
Good morning all, I sincerely hope you're all managing to keep your feet dry, given the footage being shown on the news recently - looks like you're getting the rain we need so badly....I wonder if a...
Tomorrow morning brings the start of Round 2 in the Reign of King Wickedtongue the Generous during which I believe the points will flow [as last week] in ample numbers. Once again, the (Para)Olympics...
Good morning everyone Wicked Tongue here for my second time in the champions chair.Got no witty preamble written by crofter to post this time so you are going to have to put up with you can...