Good morning everyone - it's fine and mild here for the time being, I'm happy with that !! Just want to remind everyone - this week you have an extra chance to grab some points ....just enter your... ...
Good evening all! Another year nearly gone! I managed my fairly regular 'middling' score of FOUR out of seven in the main quiz this week: There doesn't seem... ...
Here are today's shaded clues for you - 48a Word used to mean cast/roll dice, form pottery on a wheel etc (5) 54a A creator of Bod, Bric-aBrac, Fingerbobs, etc (4) 5d A desirable quality, a photo... ...
That awful new word emerging to describe the period 25th December to 1st January (mostly occurring in Spam) :- T W I X M A S Not in my lexicography, thank you. ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹... ...
Good evening everyone - and nearly the end of quite a long day - we've had very weird weather all over Oz today, especially the Eastern states, I think we've had the milder day, but still cool,... ...
Good morning everyone - the sun is shining, there's no wind to speak of, and I don't have anything to go out shopping for .... bliss !! Before I get on with anything else ... I wish you all a very... ...
Aunty Beeb has stuck to her usual way of doing things at this time of the year, meaning that we're getting a four-part Quiz of the Year once again. The first part, covering January to March, is... ...
Here are today's shaded clues for you - very abbreviated.... 16a A plant with prickly leaves (5) 63a A gander's female counterpart (5) 73a A fragrant evergreen conifer with woody cones (4) 69d An... ...
Good morning everyone - well I think we may be over the worst of it - it's been a few very weird days, very wet, windy, humid, bleak name it !! Hoping now it will settle down for sunny and... ...
Here are today's shaded clues for you - 31a Word for the purple fluid used by Roman emperors, or tattoo work (3) 36a A gentle knock etc (3) 38a A fry-up, mixed grill, roast etc, other quantity of... ...
Good morning everyone - well somehow Haras2 has managed the impossible.....I asked for some of her rain ....and we've got it spades ♠️ It's a truly beautiful sight, teeming rain and no wind... ...
Here are today's shaded clues for you - 13a One engaging in pedestrianism for enjoyment, exercise or sport, a trainer of foxhound puppies etc (6) 39a Word for various hard objects including cherry... ...
Good morning everyone - no sign of Summer here today, you'd think it was .....well not quite Winter still, but it's overcast and threatening more rain (not that I'm complaining) - pretty miserable... ...
Hi there, everyone! Have you all finished wrapping the boring socks, the ‘I-wouldn’t-be-seen-dead-wearing-that’ sweaters and the 'far-too-fattening' chocolates yet? If not, get a move on! It’ll... ...
Good morning everyone - well we've had some much needed rain in the past couple of days which has brightened things up enormously .... and brought the weeds on no end !! If we get a couple of... ...
Guess what !! The Telegraph doesn't know it's Saturday yet - we have the usual hold up, I'll keep checking and get back when I've something sensible to post 🤔😳😩
Good evening, all! Only a month to go now before we can all give people lots of clothes that they’ll never wear and they can all give us lots of food that we don’t like. (Isn’t Christmas... ...
Good morning everyone - and our spell of lovely weather continues - sunny days, cool nights, and luckily very little wind - I'd be happy with this on a long term basis, with an occasional downpour... ...
Good morning everyone - well after a real stinker of a day yesterday ( 39 ) at least today is cooler, with a nice breeze, so life will be much better for a few days to come ....trouble is, it's a... ...