I don't usually have much trouble with this one but...... This week I am stuck on the bottom left corner. Any help with 14d please? Feature conscious crocks (9) ?h??????? Thanks someone.
I can't get top right corner - any help please? 10a Having been in bed are sick and had to go back (6) ?a?l?? (bailed?) 8d Though it's loud, unable to hear the word "brave" (8) ??????s?. (third letter...
Stuck on last few here. ?500Tel: 53a would depend-ncy be e or a? and what on earth is 48d? I have A-R-N? T2 9d That long long house plant? Have T-A-E-C-M-O-? Fed up now. Help would be greatly...
Could I have my usual starters please?? 1a No recompense for being a good worker (5,2,3) ????? ?? ?i? 2d Reading again for the examination (5-4). 15a Carried across by, he had flown (7) 19a Reads...
Stuck again! 1a. Youll try not to be out when its delivered. (7,4) ?????e? ??l? 10a. How things look when distance lends enchantment (6,2,3) ?????r ?? ?a? 7d. The teeniest bit of verve (4) ?a?? 25a....
I always need help with this one so, to get me started please. 7a Not allowing one's clothes to get grubby (4-5) I have no letters! 24a One who metes out punishment to recalcitrant tennis players? (8)...
7a to be fair,i do have a liking for 9 ???A????? 10a the wild polar bears sat sprawling: quite Arcadian 8 ???T???? 23d it's in a bottle- screw up 6 ??O?C? many thanks
Good morning all - as promised I have returned to take up the reins once again, thus allowing gen2 to sleep in until a civilised hour of the morning and what's all this I hear about midnight feasts...
I think I have gone wrong somewhere - help please 31a To run away would be the last course you say (6) I have ?n?n?t. All I can find to fit is unknit or unknot, neither of which is a satisfactory...
Help please. 11a Serve the country and get an award. (8) ??n?t?o? Is this DONATION? If so, what is 4d Free the point embedded in the skin (4) ?u?d. 27a A home in which there's love will not founder...