Bought 5 litres of engine oli to-day. Seller said, £1 surcharge for debit card, cheeky sod. Nipped to car, borrowed cash from Puss and paid in cash. Bit naughty charging for debit card...
These are squares with words or drawing in them, so I hope this makes sense. 23) SOMETIMES. (with the word CHART under it) 24) Manuel 25) Picture of an envelope 13) and if someone has this quiz, what...
I've just looked at my account online and 2 direct debits show on there as going out on 07/02/11. Today is 05/02/11. Now, if Monday (being 7th) was not a working day then I could understand but why...
19D Faldo and S. African golfer change in America [7] N?C?I?S
I'm assuming it's an anagram of NICK and ELS, but my knowledge of golf is abyssmal!!
Thank you...
1a The French FBI agent is one doing the donkey work (3,3) L - G - A - 25a Old man against keeping recipe for light snack (7) P - P - O - N Is this Popcorn? Can't see why Thanks...
my neighbours cats are pooing all over my small garden. Half the time they dont even cover it up. Now they are sitting on my bird table. I get so cross it takes all the pleasure out of the garden. Any...
Had been there 2 and a half years -could do the job even though there was some nasty aspects to it but I was fed up being the 'whipping girl' when things werent going right with the Managers. Miss the...
How long should I keep pay slips and bank statements for. Currently have 5 years piled up in a file. Have been retired for 7 years now so is there any need to keep this amount?
18 d Less likely to run with energy that is stored in a posh car (7) W - A - I - - 28 ac Stone yard in poor man's portico (8) - - - S - Y - E I'm thinking this could be EPISTYLE or PROSTYLE if I'm on...