Can someone please parse for me?
20a Fibres a touch hard in place for horses (7)
T?w?a?h ans is towpath
54a No odd elements in party invite? Go (7)
A?t?M?t ans is attempt...
5dn Number initially applauded on stage. [6] A?O?N? 25dn Hurry, hide! [[4] ?E?T 6acc Annoy leaving parking place [4] ?I?E 24acc Flatter fizzy drinks for the audience. [4] C?A? Thank you for your help...
This quiz is driving me to frustration! Any help appreciated please. Answers are Ditloids - find the association between the number and the initials. 12. 4 L in T SQ 24. 10 H in a 400M H R (thought...
The BBC might have shut down much of its programming tonight but the weekly quizzes are still online anyway. I managed a reasonable FOUR out of seven in the adult quiz...
Listen to music? Be on here, Friday night was very ‘active on here ‘ at one time ;) Do something else I’m a Royalist but there’s only so much one can watch about Prince Philip So what ya doing?...
Good afternoon two left and frustratingly no idea 37D Nacho, say , trimmed by the Spanish ambassador (5) I have e??h? 40A Might a ----------- involved with IOM, be represented by mythologian? (7)...
1A Called out girls name (7)
1D Resolve to consider dropping temperature (7)
16D Space for flower (6)
26A distrubance on entering Shetland Island (6)
thank you...
I’ve been with BT for years but let my contract run out last year and now my router is playing up and I really need a new one which is not covered unless I renew my contract. Never had any problems...
What can I do with an unopened bottle of Elderflower cordial
I’m not likely to want to drink it so does anyone have any other suggestions- household or beauty etc...
. . . are you most looking forward to re-opening next Monday (or whenever the relevant date is in your part of the UK)? Will you be queueing to get into Primark to get hold of the latest fashion (or,...