Do any of you have advice to offer on a 'keep fit' fit-bit' watch type of thing and what kind do you recommend. I'm not even sure what they are called but I am hopeful that someone will be able to...
I only have digital tv,s. One in lounge and one in bedroom. For the last few weeks the reception is very bad but only on BBC1. I have retuned several times but all to no avail. I am in the SE. Anyone...
Speaking to friends (on phone) and all seem to have different ideas about when the lock down ends. I think its midnight on Wednesday 2nd December making Thursday the first day out of lock down, but...
Does the DWP provide a breakdown of what and how much they are giving you in the first payment? How far it might be back dated etc? I received a first payment's much larger than I...
1 Heraldic coloured Zombie 3 & 9 2 And stop a zombie hiding something 5 3 Shared by Bainbridge and Burton 5 4 Lehar's valuable combination 4 3 6 & 5 5 There is a golden one in shaken smart air 6 6...
Where do you store your cloth face masks? Underwear drawer? Bedside cupboard/drawer? Airing cupboard? I keep two in my bag (OH is always forgetting his, so keep a spare!), and pack of the blue paper...
Before anyone complains I am aware it is a no asking quiz but I am struggling with the last one and time is getting short. Just the first letter or a simple clue would be helpful. All answers are...
Did I dream it, or did someone say recently that they had a tumbledrier in their bedroom? What sort could it be? - we couldn’t vent it without building work, but the idea of a tumbledrier now appeals...
Has anyone bought from Argos during lockdown and picked it up from one of their stores that isn't inside a supermarket? I've to do this tomorrow but I've no idea what I'm supposed to do.Usually you...
Restrictions change on Dec 2nd, so.... Mrs Dag going to hairdresser on 2nd, but... is that the last day? meaning restrictions still apply all day until Dec 3rd begins just after midnight? Many sources...
1 Open and honest. Percy Thrower was definitely one. 2 Soap character annoyingly would get on this (more than once) 3 He's not been here long but he's not sick of honey producer 4 He's usually with...
2d,sportsman gets cap-hats off to him,3,4,p?t,?a?? 5d,stew turns out to be,alas,bilious,b?u?l?a?a???? 12a,appear to be airborne spectacle,4,2,????,?p 22a,those who speak of a crime novelist,?a???s...
I didn't notice when I put it in the freezer. It's M&S Bacon & Liver, with Buttery Mash and Rich Onion Gravy. Does anyone know which bits are likely to be affected or will the lot be inedible?...
With the ‘adverts for the elderly’. On TV in the afternoons and later? It has not stopped raining here for over a week! I normally avoid afternoon TV, but in desperation, after reading 5 novels a week...
I've a flight booked to Spain which is scheduled to arrive at 10 AM on Monday 14th December. The authorities there have introduced a regulation which requires travelers to have evidence of a negative...