If you can help me with these it would be greatly appreciated, all are Fruit & Vegetables 38. Is it grown by K.H. Coboy? (2) 47. He found it walking round rooms with cane 51. She was accosted for...
3 down: Shark toured around, having the worst time (two words) 22 across: Leaving payment levied at leisure (two words) 16 down: Fixing the fellow inside with unknown strapping {Thank you to any one...
automatically credited to my new one? I booked with my old card last year. In the meantime I have had a new card issued and was told to destroy my old one. I think it will automatically appear on my...
13. Tried when one's car was dented (3,1,4) Deliver a blow and run - Careless! (8) Both answers to rhyme 19 1950's ladies short coat (6) To rhyme with CROPPER Also to create a phrase by inserting...
1a,french city name is changed,?m???? 4d,sandpit spoilt by Europeans attention to detail,4,3,6,????,and,???i?? 5d,carefully retains any pet animal,5,8,?????,?n???t?? 18a,begin to attack what’s under...
Doing okay on this puzzle but am completely stuck on this one. Woodland boundary of capital besieged by the enemy (10) and this one, I have an answer for but cant fit it to the clue Many a shipwreck...
General knowledge Crossword on Page 133;
Having a problem solving 1.across . Shakespearean character married to the Thane of Cawdor.(4.7)
Any help would be appreciated. Dave....
When I bend the fingers of my right hand and then 'unbend them' the little finger remains bent ans I have to unbend it separately Is there a reason for this?