Some say its because country's no longer respect England Are England reallly on their way down as some say - deluding themselves that they are still a great nation while their team performs badly in...
I've transferred money from an account in China to an account in the UK. I've checked my UK account. It says CHAPS does that mean that the money is from the account transfer in China? I wasn't sure if...
I've been on standby since 7am and i'm now bored. I want something to happen but at the same time, me being busy means people are sick or hurt.
So is it wrong to want some work?... In view of their past record were the police right to allow these thugs to march? Take a look at the second picture, do we want such scenes on our streets, and are their...
I don't have a tractor and I don't want to buy a post-hole digger so wondered if it was possible to create post holes using, for example, horses (humanely of course). Alternatively, how can I make a...