50yo female perimenopausal (i suspect after 4 missed periods and flashing heat light like a lighthouse) the flashes are not killing me but as I have been diagnosed and am being treated with high blood...
Must finish the last couple before starting on the new one this morning. 7d Unrefined,even if under cape(4) . R?D? . 11d British don't have second player on board (5). B?A?K . Also, 47d Muslim state...
According to Channel 5 they have found Katie Price boring on BB not worth the the vast amount fee, we have all known that for a long time, who wants to listen to a foul mouthed silicone enhanced...
I bought some vitamin tables from Tesco this afternoon and now having opened them have found the box to be empty, just the instructions, I know it is not Tesco's fault but there was an offer "3 for 2"...
So who's the Daddy then:-))? Can't stop listening over and over to Rob being outraged at being told to take a paternity test. And Helen ... I bet Pat suspects he might be telling porkies. Loving it....
I have been looking out for it but no luck so far, with the forecast of more snow on the way it is not looking to good for a sighting, oh well, I will never forget that wonderful summer of Halle Bopp...
my car's red light came on for the fuel low, when I unscrewed the petrol cap there was a heavy hiss, I put 2 gallon in and it went right over the 1/4 tank mark. should this hiss occur ? and if not...
50 year old female, periods stopped 3 months ago, after slowing down for about 6 months earlier, health otherwise OK so far (apart from May 2014 Diagnosis of High Blood Pressure treated with...
Just wondered what other Aber's thoughts are on the latest family holiday advert by booking .com.I thought that the use of the word booking was at times inappropriate at breakfast time.I nearly spilt...
Hi, My next door neighbours annoying squeaking washer is very irritating and they keep leaving it on for long amounts of time as well. I could hear it nearly all day yesterday and can still hear it...
Last one, 32 across Commoner has short disagreement with earl, oddly (5) I have R?F?R The clue leads me to RIFER (short RIF(t) with E(a)R(l) oddly) but the word doesn't seem to exist let alone mean...