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Falling in your area, Lanc's not yet.
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50 year old female, periods stopped 3 months ago, after slowing down for about 6 months earlier, health otherwise OK so far (apart from May 2014 Diagnosis of High Blood Pressure treated with...
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32a Band of skin from back containing fold (6,3). Have s???l? ???. Any help please? Also why so few queries re this crossword today?
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Just wondered what other Aber's thoughts are on the latest family holiday advert by booking .com.I thought that the use of the word booking was at times inappropriate at breakfast time.I nearly spilt...
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Any idea if there will be some published over the Christmas period, ie Christmas Eve, Boxing day....
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Hi, My next door neighbours annoying squeaking washer is very irritating and they keep leaving it on for long amounts of time as well. I could hear it nearly all day yesterday and can still hear it...
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Last one, 32 across Commoner has short disagreement with earl, oddly (5) I have R?F?R The clue leads me to RIFER (short RIF(t) with E(a)R(l) oddly) but the word doesn't seem to exist let alone mean...
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Can anyone suggest a standard high-street shop I could walk in to and buy something suitable to strain through sloe gin and blackberry brandy. Something fine enough to catch all the sediment etc and...
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I didn't. Read it, having tea out in a local...
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Any advice greatly appreciated.... Last week our 10yr old West Highland White was diagnosed as over 90%blind at the vets. This has happened literally over the last 5 day . It came as such a shock to...
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I had mentioned that dentist couldn't emphasise enough of the use of these wooden sticks - anyway they were too thick and snapped. Then sis brought me over the fine brushes but they had metal stems -...
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I have been driving for over 18 years and without warning I have suddenly developed nerves and fears behind the wheel, I have not had an accident or anything, I am under a lot of pressure at the...
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As it happens to be my birthday, I have received a couple of these, - very nice, but what I don't understand is that a great deal of work goes into this site (Jaqui Lawson) doing all this animation...
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Do you think it is too soon to book a holiday in Turkey for next June? As a single traveller the deals get snapped up quite quickly but it seems a bit greedy to book so early, £415.00 h/b for 12 days...
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It has been hinted (on the facebook page - make of it what you will) that some of the actors playing certain roles are to be changed. Has anyone else heard about this?...
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I decided to cut a slice out of the cake I cooked on a lower temp. and it is cooked but a bit stodgy right in the I may get away with it if I dont tell whoever has that one. lol...after...
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I wanted a good recipe for making bread pudding and found one with very good reviews on the BBC good food website, however I notice that it states 1 1/2 tablespoons of mixed spice, whereas several...
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jordy gets fed every night 5.15 when pointless comes on he paws me to tell me its time,and i thought this is great he knows when pointless is on,then on monday he was pawing me and getting a bit...
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Anyone any hints on how to tune my World Band radio into the BBC world band station, I am currently in Turkey (Marmaris ) and have a Roberts 12 Band Radio with loads of Short wave channels, and the...
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I have to have a front tooth (bottom front) removed, my dentist suggested an implant but at a cost of around £3000 (yikes!) the alternative is a denture. I think I will go ahead with the denture but...

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