am i the only person who gets affected by other peoples behaviour towards me i mean when a mate lets u down does it effest your mood ? mabye im too sensitive
Do you like pussys?Some people love them and cant get enough of them.Even having more than one at the same time.Other folk are scared of pussys and some even alergic to them.So how bout you?Are you a...
well i ive sat here tonight, felt a little bit low and then i had a chat with my wonderful friend helliebobs, she had me laughing till the tears were rolling down my cheeks so i just want to say thank...
How many of you still snog your partner? Its bizarre but commonly that is the first thing that falls by the wayside in a relationship. After 10yrs I still snog H's face off -thats when we are pally...
Just come back, if you are even just thinking of going, then do it, it is just such an amazing place, a real one off also go on a gondola,you get a completely different perspective than if you just go...
i have a long drive ahead of me to some inane conference rubbish, what cassettes should i take with me to play in my cortina what is good driving music, i quite like Engelbert humperdinck
Have you ever fallen asleep whilst using the computer?Ive found myself knodding off in the early hours.A risky thing on a computer chair on wheels.You can waken up looking up at a chair...